Milk Allergy

One of the most common allergies found in children, a milk allergy, is an abnormal
response by the body’s immune system to milk and products containing milk. Cow’s
milk is the usual cause for the allergy, however, milk from sheep, goats, buffalo and
other mammals may cause a reaction as well. Fortunately, most children outgrow a milk
allergy. Those who don’t outgrow it may need to continue to avoid milk products.

A milk allergy is different than a milk intolerance or lactose intolerance. Unlike a milk
allergy, an intolerance doesn’t involve the immune system. Milk intolerances causes
different symptoms and requires different treatment than a true milk allergy.

A milk allergy typically stems from an allergic response from ingesting either of the two
main proteins in cow’s milk – casein and/or whey.

Common symptoms:
– Hives, Vomiting, or Wheezing
– Runny nose and watery eyes
– Cramping, loose stools or diarrhea
– Skin rash
– Colic, in babies

Common items to avoid:
Baked goods, premade (*check label)
Caramel candies
Cheese, including cottage cheese
Half and half
Ice Cream
Luncheon meats, such as hot dogs and sausages (*check label)
Milk (in all forms: condensed, derivative, dry, evaporated, low-fat, malted, milk fat,
nonfat, powder, protein, skimmed, solids, whole)
Nondairy products
Sour cream

Hidden terms to look for:
Artificial butter flavorings
Artificial cheese flavorings
Casein or caseinates (sometimes used as meat binders)
Casein hydrolysate
Fat-replacement products
Lactic acid starter
Protein powders
Recaldent™ (used in tooth-whitening gums)
Rennet casein
Whey, whey protein, or milk protein
Words starting with “lact”, such as lactose or lactate

Milk protein-free products:
Cocoa butter
Coconut milk
Cream of tartar
Calcium lactate
Lactic acid