Liquid Fence Deer & Rabbit Repellent, Ready To Use
All natural. It really works. Long lasting & rain resistant. Earth & family friendly. Works year round. Dries odorless. Won't harm plants or animals. Repel deer & rabbits from landscaped garden areas, flowers, shrubs, plants, trees & vines. Covers approximately 500 square feet. How Liquid Fence Deer & Rabbit Repellent really works. Homeowners, gardeners, professional landscapers and commercial growers have discovered Liquid Fence stops deer and rabbit damage naturally. Unlike other deer and rabbit repellants that require the animals to browse to be effective, Liquid Fence works on scent, so deer and rabbits don't even have to take a bite to be repelled. because the animals natural aversion to this scent will never diminish, Liquid Fence does not have to be rotated with other repellent brands. Made in the USA.