Education Wellness Opportunities
To our communities local schools and teachers -
Take advantage of the health and wellness opportunities available for your classrooms through Martin's Eat Smart. Be Well. program by contacting our health and wellness advisor, Kristin!
Martin's recognizes the importance of working with our schools and youth! We know many lifelong wellness habits are established at a young age and would love to work together with our communities teachers to provide great opportunities for our children.
Here is a list of some of the opportunities available:
- Grocery Store Tours: Take a field trip to your local Martin's Super Market for a guided grocery store tour where students can learn about the functioning a grocery store and the jobs/positions involved. Activities throughout the tour include scanning and bagging, meat packaging, and deli slicing.
- Classroom Presentation/Guest Speaker: Have our health and wellness advisor and/or ambassadors come into your classroom and provide a hands-on educational lesson focused on nutrition.
- Home Economic Demonstration: Does your school have home economic classes with a functioning kitchen? Have us join your students in their kitchen helping guide them in utilizing a weekly grocery store ad to plan and cook a healthy meal.
Contact your local Martin's store director to schedule your visit today!